Índice de palabras clave



Moreno Pérez, F. J.; Aguilera Jiménez, A.; Saldaña Sage, D.; Alvarez Pérez, R.: ¿Cómo mejorar la educación del alumnado con autismo? Una propuesta desde el sistema escolar sevillano. Apuntes de Psicología 2005; 23(3):257–274
Roux, J.; Graham, L.; Carrington, S.: Effective teaching for students with Asperger’s syndrome in the regular classroom. Australasian Journal of Special Education 1998; 22(2):122–128
Educación Inclusión
Safran, J. S.: Supporting students with Asperger’s syndrome. Teaching Exceptional Children 2002; 34(5):60–66
Educación Inclusión

 Educación especial

Gonzalez Silva, F.: El estudiante asperger: una comprensión desde el enfoque de la alteridad. Educere 2006; 10(35):611-620
Educación especial Otredad Alteridad Relación humana

 Educación inclusiva

Reiter, S.; Vitani, T.: Inclusion of pupils with autism: The effect of an intervention program on the regular pupils’ burnout, attitudes and quality of mediation. Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice 2007; 11(4):321–333
Educación inclusiva Síndrome del quemado

 Educación primaria

Gómez López, M.; Valero Valenzuela, A.; Peñalver López, I.; Velasco da Silva, M.: El trabajo de la motricidad en la clase de Educación Física con niños autistas a través de la adaptación del lenguaje Benson Schaeffer. Revista iberoamericana de educación 2008; (46):175


Belmonte, M. K.; Allen, G.; Beckel-Mitchener, A.; Boulanger, L. M.; Carper, R. A.; Webb, S. J.: Autism and abnormal development of brain connectivity. The Journal of Neuroscience 2004; 24(42):9228–9231



Belmonte, M. K.; Allen, G.; Beckel-Mitchener, A.; Boulanger, L. M.; Carper, R. A.; Webb, S. J.: Autism and abnormal development of brain connectivity. The Journal of Neuroscience 2004; 24(42):9228–9231
Atención Cerebelo EEG Electroencefalografía Genética Inmunidad

 Electroencefalografía cuantitativa

Noroozian, M.; Sheikhani, A.; Behnam, H.; Mohammadi, M. R.: Abnormalities of Quantitative Electroencephalography in Children with Asperger Disorder Using Spectrogram and Coherence Values. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry 2008; 3(2):64–70
Electroencefalografía cuantitativa Técnicas de diagnóstico neurológico
Sheikhani, A.; Behnam, H.; Mohammadi, M. R.; Noroozian, M.: Evaluation of Quantitative Electroencephalography in Children with Autistic Disorders in Various Conditions Based on Spectrogram. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry 2008; 3(4):4–10
Electroencefalografía cuantitativa Técnicas de diagnóstico neurológico


Kinney, D. K.; Munir, K. M.; Crowley, D. J.; Miller, A. M.: Prenatal stress and risk for autism. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 2008; 32(8):1519–1532


Caras Emoción Empatía
Hadjikhani, N.; Joseph, R. M.; Manoach, D. S.; Naik, P.; Snyder, J.; Dominick, K.; Hoge, R.; Van den Stock, J.; Flusberg, H. T.; De Gelder, B.: Body expressions of emotion do not trigger fear contagion in autism spectrum disorder. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 2009
Corden, B.; Chilvers, R.; Skuse, D.: Emotional modulation of perception in Asperger’s syndrome. Journal of autism and developmental disorders 2008; 38(6):1072–1080
Sasson, N.; Tsuchiya, N.; Hurley, R.; Couture, S. M.; Penn, D. L.; Adolphs, R.; Piven, J.: Orienting to social stimuli differentiates social cognitive impairment in autism and schizophrenia. Neuropsychologia 2007; 45(11):2580–2588


Fernández Berrocal, P.; Alcaide, R.; Domínguez, E.; Fernández-McNally, C.; Ramos, N. S.; Ravira, M.: Adaptación al castellano de la escala rasgo de metaconocimiento sobre estados emocionales de Salovey et al.: datos preliminares. Libro de Actas del V Congreso de Evaluación Psicológica 1998; 1:83–84
Emociones Instrumentos
Wicker, B.; Perrett, D. I.; Baron-Cohen, S.; Decety, J.: Being the target of another’s emotion: a PET study. Neuropsychologia 2003; 41(2):139–146
Berthoz, S.; Artiges, E.; Van de Moortele, P. F.; Poline, J. B.; Rouquette, S.; Consoli, S. M.; Martinot, J. L.: Effect of impaired recognition and expression of emotions on frontocingulate cortices: an fMRI study of men with alexithymia. American Journal of Psychiatry 2002; 159(6):961–967
Salovey, P.; Mayer, J. D.; Goldman, S. L.; Turvey, C.; Palfai, T. P.: Emotional attention, clarity, and repair: Exploring emotional intelligence using the Trait Meta-Mood Scale. Pennebaker (Ed.) Emotion, disclosure, and health 1995, Washington: American Psychological Association; 125–154
Gross, J. J.; Carstensen, L. L.; Pasupathi, M.; Tsai, J.; Skorpen, C. G.; Hsu, A. Y. C.: Emotion and aging: Experience, expression, and control. Psychology and Aging 1997; 12(4):590–599
Gross, J. J.; John, O. P.: Facets of emotional Expressivity: Three self-report factors and their correlates. Personality and Individual Differences 1995; 19(4):555–568
Kring, A. M.; Smith, D. A.; Neale, J. M.: Individual differences in dispositional expressiveness: development and validation of the Emotional Expressivity Scale. Journal of personality and social psychology 1994; 66(5):934–49
Emociones Instrumentos
Gross, J. J.; John, O. P.: Individual differences in two emotion regulation processes: Implications for affect, relationships, and well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 2003; 85(2):348–362
Baron-Cohen, S.; Wheelwright, S.; Jolliffe, T.: Is There a “Language of the Eyes”? Evidence from Normal Adults, and Adults with Autism or Asperger Syndrome. Visual Cognition 1997; 4(3):311–331
Baron-Cohen, S.; Hammer, J.: Parents of Children with Asperger Syndrome: What is the Cognitive Phenotype? Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 1997; 9(4):548–554
Gross, J. J.; John, O. P.: Revealing feelings: facets of emotional expressivity in self-reports, peer ratings, and behavior. Journal of personality and social psychology 1997; 72(2):435–48
Myles, B. S.; Hagiwara, T.; Dunn, W.; Rinner, L.; Reese, M.; Huggins, A.; Becker, S.: Sensory issues in children with Asperger syndrome and autism. Education and training in developmental disabilities 2004; 39(4):283–290
Martín, R. P.; Márquez, P. G. O.; Brackett, M. A.: ¿Se perciben con inteligencia emocional los docentes? Posibles consecuencias sobre la calidad educativa. Revista de Educación 2006; 341:687–703
Dapretto, M.; Davies, M. S.; Pfeifer, J. H.; Scott, A. A.; Sigman, M.; Bookheimer, S. Y.; Iacoboni, M.: Understanding emotions in others: mirror neuron dysfunction in children with autism spectrum disorders. Nature Neuroscience 2005; 9:28–30

 Emparejamiento selectivo

Constantino, J. N.; Todd, R. D.: Intergenerational transmission of subthreshold autistic traits in the general population. Biological Psychiatry 2005; 57(6):655–660
Baron-Cohen, S.: The hyper-systemizing, assortative mating theory of autism. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 2006; 30(5):865–872
Emparejamiento selectivo Sistematización


Davis, M. H.: A multidimensional approach to individual differences in empathy. JSAS Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology 1980; 10(4):85
Empatía Instrumentos
Hadjikhani, N.; Joseph, R.M.; Snyder, J.; Tager-Flusberg, H.: Anatomical differences in the mirror neuron system and social cognition network in autism. Cerebral Córtex 2006; 16(9):1276–1282
Baron-Cohen, S.: Autism, hypersystemizing, and truth. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 2008; 61(1):64–75
De Vignemont, F.; Frith, U.: Autism, morality and empathy. Sinnott-Armstrong, M. (Ed.) Moral Psychology volume 3,The Neuroscience of Morality 2007, Cambridge: MIT Press; 273–280
Empatía Moralidad
Baron-Cohen, S.: Autism: The Empathizing-Systemizing (ES) Theory. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2009; 1156(1):68–80
Caras Emoción Empatía
Dziobek, I.; Rogers, K.; Fleck, S.; Bahnemann, M.; Heekeren, H. R.; Wolf, O. T.; Convit, A.: Dissociation of cognitive and emotional empathy in adults with Asperger syndrome using the Multifaceted Empathy Test (MET). Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2008; 38(3):464–473
Lawson, J.; Baron-Cohen, S.; Wheelwright, S.: Empathising and Systemising in Adults with and without Asperger Syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2004; 34(3):301–310
Baron-Cohen, S.; Wheelwright, S.; Lawson, J.; Griffin, R.; Ashwin, C.; Billington, J.; Chakrabarti, B.: Empathizing and systemizing in autism spectrum conditions. Handbook of autism and pervasive developmental disorders (3rd ed.). Assessment, interventions, and policy 2005; 628–639
Goldenfeld, N.; Baron-Cohen, S.; Wheelwright, S.: Empathizing and systemizing in males, females and autism. Clinical Neuropsychiatry 2005; 2:338–345
Moriguchi, Y.; Decety, J.; Ohnishi, T.; Maeda, M.; Mori, T.; Nemoto, K.; Matsuda, H.; Komaki, G.: Empathy and judging other’s pain: an fMRI study of alexithymia. Cerebral Córtex 2007; 17(9):2223–2234
Baron-Cohen, S.: Is Asperger syndrome/high-functioning autism necessarily a disability? Development and Psychopathology 2000; 12(03):489–500
Baron-Cohen, S.: La gran diferencia: Cómo son realmente los cerebros de hombres y mujeres (http://www.amateditorial.com/libro.asp?cod=A1754). Barcelona: Amat Editorial 2005
Lawrence, E. J.; Shaw, P.; Baker, D.; Baron-Cohen, S.; David, A. S.: Measuring empathy: reliability and validity of the Empathy Quotient. Psychological Medicine 2004; 34(05):911–920
Empatía Instrumentos
Wheelwright, S.; Baron-Cohen, S.; Goldenfeld, N.; Delaney, J.; Fine, D.; Smith, R.; Weil, L.; Wakabayashi, A.: Predicting Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) from the Systemizing Quotient-Revised (SQ-R) and Empathy Quotient (EQ). Brain Research 2006; 1079(1):47–56
Tirapu Ustárroz, J.; Pérez Sayes, G.; Erekatxo Bilbao, M.; Pelegrín Valero, C.: ¿Qué es la teoría de la mente? Revista de neurología 2007; 44(8):479–489
Baron-Cohen, S.; Knickmeyer, R. C.; Belmonte, M. K.: Sex differences in the brain: implications for explaining autism. Science 2005; 310(5749):819–823
Baron-Cohen, S.; Wheelwright, S.; Robinson, J.; Woodbury-Smith, M. R.: The Adult Asperger Assessment (AAA): A Diagnostic Method. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2005; 35(6):807–819
Auyeung, B.; Wheelwright, S.; Allison, C.; Atkinson, M.; Samarawickrema, N.; Baron-Cohen, S.: The Children’s Empathy Quotient and Systemizing Quotient: Sex Differences in Typical Development and in Autism Spectrum Conditions. Journal of autism and developmental disorders 2009; 39(11):1509–1521
Glickman, A. R.; La Greca, A. M.: The Dating Anxiety Scale for Adolescents: Scale Development and Associations With Adolescent Functioning. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 2004; 33(3):566–578
Baron-Cohen, S.; Wheelwright, S.: The Empathy Quotient: An Investigation of Adults with Asperger Syndrome or High Functioning Autism, and Normal Sex Differences. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2004; 34(2):163–175
Baron-Cohen, S.: The Essential Difference: The Truth about the Male and Female Brain (http://www.amazon.com/Essential-Difference-Truth-about-Female/dp/0738208442). New York: Basic Books 2003
Baron-Cohen, S.; Richler, J.; Bisarya, D.; Gurunathan, N.; Wheelwright, S.: The systemizing quotient: an investigation of adults with Asperger syndrome or high-functioning autism, and normal sex differences. Philosophical transactions-Royal Society of London. Biological sciences 2003; 358(1430):361–374
Rogers, K.; Dziobek, I.; Hassenstab, J.; Wolf, O. T.; Convit, A.: Who cares? Revisiting empathy in Asperger syndrome. Journal of autism and developmental disorders 2007; 37(4):709–715

 Empleo con apoyo

Ogalla Sánchez, E. J.: “Adultización” de los jóvenes con autismo y/o necesidades de apoyo generalizado. Hacia una conversión necesaria. EA, Escuela abierta: revista de Investigación Educativa, ISSN 1138 2003; 6908(6):85–128
Empleo con apoyo


Williams, J. H. G.; Whiten, A.; Singh, T.: A systematic review of action imitation in autistic spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2004; 34(3):285–299


Delorme, R.; Goussé, V.; Roy, I.; Trandafir, A.; Mathieu, F.; Mouren Siméoni, M. C.; Betancur, C.; Leboyer, M.: Shared executive dysfunctions in unaffected relatives of patients with autism and obsessive-compulsive disorder. European Psychiatry 2007; 22(1):32–38


McCann, J.; Peppé, S.; Gibbon, F.; O’Hare, A.; Rutherford, M.: Prosody and its relationship to language in school-aged children with high-functioning autism. International Journal Of Language and Communication Disorders 2007; 42(6):682–702
Entonación Lenguaje Prosodia
Peppé, S.; McCann, J.; Gibbon, F.; O’Hare, A.; Rutherford, M.: Receptive and Expressive Prosodic Ability in Children With High-Functioning Autism. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research 2007; 50(4):1015–1028

 Entornos virtuales

Cobb, S.; Beardon, L.; Eastgate, R.; Glover, T.; Kerr, S.; Neale, H.; Parsons, S.; Benford, S.; Hopkins, E.; Mitchell, P.; Reynard, G.; Wilson, J.: Applied Virtual Environments to support learning of Social Interaction Skills in users with Asperger’s Syndrome. Digital Creativity 2002; 13:11–22
Entornos virtuales Habilidades sociales

 Entrenamiento entre iguales

Owen-DeSchryver, J. S.; Carr, E. G.; Cale, S. I.; Blakeley-Smith, A.: Promoting social interactions between students with autism spectrum disorders and their peers in inclusive school settings. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 2008; 23(1):15–28


Henry, J. D.; Phillips, L. H.; Maylor, E. A.; Hosie, J.; Milne, A. B.; Meyer, C.: A new conceptualization of alexithymia in the general adult population: implications for research involving older adults. Journal of psychosomatic research 2006; 60(5):535–543
Alexitimia Envejecimiento Instrumentos


Wing, L.: Asperger’s syndrome: a clinical account (http://www.mugsy.org/wing2.htm). Psychological Medicine 1981; 11(1):115–29
Gillberg, C. I.; Gillberg, C.: ehlers1999sqa Syndrome-Some Epidemiological Considerations: A Research Note. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 1989; 30(4):631–638
Soto Calderón, R.: El síndrome autista: un acercamiento a sus características y generalidades. Educación 2002; 26(1):47–61
Diagnóstico Epidemiología Tratamiento
Fombonne, E.; Tidmarsh, L.: Epidemiologic data on Asperger disorder. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America 2003; 12(1):15–21
Chmielewski, P. M.; Fernandes, L. O.; Yee, C. M.; Miller, G. A.: Ethnicity and gender in scales of psychosis proneness and mood disorders. Journal of Abnormal Psychology 1995; 104(3):464–70
Chakrabarti, S.; Fombonne, E.: Pervasive Developmental Disorders in Preschool Children: Confirmation of High Prevalence. American Journal of Psychiatry 2005; 162(6):1133–1141
Kinney, D. K.; Munir, K. M.; Crowley, D. J.; Miller, A. M.: Prenatal stress and risk for autism. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 2008; 32(8):1519–1532
Croen, L. A.; Grether, J. K.; Hoogstrate, J.; Selvin, S.: The Changing Prevalence of Autism in California. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2002; 32(3):207–215
Alison Mcinnes, L.: Una revisión de la genética del autismo. Revista de la Asociación Española de Neuropsiquiatría 2002; 22(84):13–24


Muñoz Yunta, J. A.; Palau Baduell, M.; Salvadó Salvadó, B.; Valls Santasusana, A.; Rosendo Moreno, N.; Clofent Torrentó, M.; Manchado, F.: Autismo y epilepsia. Revista de Neurología 2008; 46(Supl 2):S71–S77
Artigas Pallarés, J.; Gabau Vila, E.; Guitart Feliubadaló, M.: El autismo sindrómico: I. Aspectos generales. Revista de Neurología 2005; 40(Supl 1):S143–S149

 Epilepsia subclínica

 Escalas de inteligencia de Wechsler

Williams, D. L.; Goldstein, G.; Kojkowski, N.; Minshew, N. J.: Do individuals with high functioning autism have the IQ profile associated with nonverbal learning disability? Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 2008; 2(2):353–361
Escalas de inteligencia de Wechsler Trastorno de aprendizaje no verbal

 Escalas psiquiátricas


Rodríguez Ortiz, I. R.; Moreno Pérez, F. J.; Aguilera Jiménez, A.: La atención educativa en el caso del alumnado con trastornos del espectro autista. Revista de Educación 2007; 344:425–445


Moreno, J.; Aguilera, A.; Saldaña Sage, D.: Do Parents Prefer Special Schools for Their Children with Autism? Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities 2008; 43(2):162–173
Gibbons, M. M.; Goins, S.: Getting to know the child with asperger syndrome. Professional School Counseling 2008; 11(5):347–352
Kopp, S.: Girls with social and/or attention impairments. Institute of Neuroscience at Sahlgrenska Academy 2010
Owen-DeSchryver, J. S.; Carr, E. G.; Cale, S. I.; Blakeley-Smith, A.: Promoting social interactions between students with autism spectrum disorders and their peers in inclusive school settings. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 2008; 23(1):15–28
Wainscot, J. J.; Naylor, P.; Sutcliffe, P.; Tantam, D.; Williams, J.: Relationships with peers and use of the school environment of mainstream secondary school pupils with Asperger Syndrome (High-Functioning Autism): A case-control study. International journal of psychology and psychological therapy 2008; 8(1):25–38


Etchepareborda, M. C.; Díaz Lucero, A.; Pascuale, M. J.; Abad Mas, L.; Ruiz Andrés, R.: Síndrome de Asperger, los pequeños profesores: habilidades especiales. Revista Neurología 2007; 44(Supl 2):S43–S47

 Espesor cortical

Hadjikhani, N.; Joseph, R.M.; Snyder, J.; Tager-Flusberg, H.: Anatomical differences in the mirror neuron system and social cognition network in autism. Cerebral Córtex 2006; 16(9):1276–1282
Empatía Espesor cortical Neuronas espejo



Nettle, D.: Schizotypy and mental health amongst poets, visual artists, and mathematicians. Journal of Research in Personality 2006; 40(6):876–890
Esquizotipia Matemáticos

 Estatus psiquiátrico

Shaked, M.; Yirmiya, N.: Matching Procedures in Autism Research: Evidence from Meta-Analytic Studies. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2004; 34(1):35–40

 Estilo cognitivo


Pozo Cabanillas, P.; Sarriá Sánchez, E.; Méndez Zaballos, L.: Estrés en madres de personas con trastornos del espectro autista. Psicothema 2006; 18(3):342–347
Estrés Padres
Almirall Hernández, P. J.; Pedro del Castillo Martín, N.; González Marrero, A.; Alvarez Porbén, S.; Hernández Romero, J. S.; Parad Fernández, C.: Validación de un instrumento para el diagnóstico del mobbing. Cuestionario de Heinz Leymannn (LIPT) modificado. Revista Cubana de Salud y Trabajo 2008; 9(1):34–48

 Estrés familiar

Martínez Martín, M. A.; Bilbao León, M. C.: Acercamiento a la realidad de las familias de personas con autismo. Intervención Psicosocial 2008; 17(2):215–230
Duelo Impacto Afrontamiento Estrés familiar

 Estrés prenatal

Kinney, D. K.; Munir, K. M.; Crowley, D. J.; Miller, A. M.: Prenatal stress and risk for autism. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 2008; 32(8):1519–1532

 Estructura factorial

Olivares, J.; Ruiz, J.; Hidalgo, M. D.; García López, L. J.; Rosa, A. I.; Piqueras, J. A.: Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents (SAS-A): Psychometric properties in a Spanish-speaking population. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology 2005; 5(1):85–97
Hoekstra, R. A.; Vinkhuyzen, A. A. E.; Wheelwright, S.; Bartels, M.; Boomsma, D. I.; Baron-Cohen, S.; Posthuma, D.; van der Sluis, S.: The Construction and Validation of an Abridged Version of the Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ-Short). Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2010; 1–8


 Estudiantes universitarios

Martín Albo, J.; Núñez, J. L.; Navarro, J. G.; Grijalvo, F.: The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale: Translation and Validation in University Students. The Spanish Journal of Psychology 2007; 10(2):458–467

 Estudio instrumental

Olivares, J.; Ruiz, J.; Hidalgo, M. D.; García López, L. J.; Rosa, A. I.; Piqueras, J. A.: Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents (SAS-A): Psychometric properties in a Spanish-speaking population. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology 2005; 5(1):85–97

 Estudio protocolizado multicéntrico

Perla, D.; Chiofalo, N.; Breinbahuer, C.; Quijada, C.; Avendaño, L.; Ugarte, F.: Espectro Autista (EA): Aspectos clínicos y terapéuticos. Revista Chilena de Epilepsia 2004; 5(1)
Estudio protocolizado multicéntrico Trastornos del espectro autista


Carmona, M. B.; Muñoz, L. B.; de Andrés, E. G.; Biggi, J. F.; de la Paz, M. P.: Evolución de los estudios sobre autismo en España: publicaciones y redes de coautoría entre 1974 y 2007. Psicothema 2010; 22(2):242–249
Estudios Publicaciones

 Estudios de familia

 Estudios de validez

Ghaziuddin, M.; Mountain-Kimchi, K.: Defining the Intellectual Profile of Asperger Syndrome: Comparison with High-Functioning Autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2004; 34(3):279–284
Estudios de validez Neuropsicología

 Estudios genéticos

Alison Mcinnes, L.: Una revisión de la genética del autismo. Revista de la Asociación Española de Neuropsiquiatría 2002; 22(84):13–24

 Etica médica

Díez Cuervo, A.; Muñoz Yunta, J. A.; Fuentes Biggi, J.; Canal Bedia, R.; Idiazábal Aletxa, M. A.; Ferrari Arroyo, M. J.; Mulas, F.; Tamarit, J.; Valdizán, J. R.; Hervás Zúñiga, A.; Artigas Pallarés, J.; Belinchón Carmona, M.; Hernández, J. M.; Martos Pérez, J.; Palacios, S.; Posada de la Paz, M.: Guía de buena práctica para el diagnóstico de los trastornos del espectro autista. Revista de Neurología 2005; 41(5):299–310


Mulas, F.; Hernández Muela, S.; Etchepareborda, M. C.; Abad Mas, L.: Bases clínicas neuropediátricas y patogénicas del trastorno del espectro autista. Revista de Neurología 2004; 38(Supl 1):S9–S14
Inglese, M. D.; Elder, J. H.: Caring for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder, Part I: Prevalence, Etiology, and Core Features. Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2009; 24(1):41–48
Etiología Prevalencia
López Gómez, S.; Rivas Torres, R. M.; Taboada Ares, E. M.: Revisiones sobre el autismo. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología 2010; 41(3):555–570
Happé, F.; Ronald, A.; Plomin, R.: Time to give up on a single explanation for autism. Nature Neuroscience 2006; 9:1218–1220


Spitzer, R. L.; Kroenke, K.; Williams, J. B. W.; Löwe, B.: A Brief Measure for Assessing Generalized Anxiety Disorder: The GAD-7. Archives of Internal Medicine 2006; 166(10):1092–1097
Peppé, S.; McCann, J.; Gibbon, F.; O’Hare, A.; Rutherford, M.: Assessing prosodic and pragmatic ability in children with high-functioning autism. Journal of Pragmatics 2006; 38(10):1776–1791
Wheelwright, S.; Auyeung, B.; Allison, C.; Baron-Cohen, S.: Defining the broader, medium and narrow autism phenotype among parents using the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ). Molecular Autism 2010; 1:1–9
Albores Gallo, L.; Hernández Guzmán, L.; Díaz Pichardo, J. A.; Cortes Hernández, B.: Dificultades en la evaluación y diagnóstico del autismo. Una discusión. Salud Mental 2008; 31:37–44
Baron-Cohen, S.; Wheelwright, S.; Lawson, J.; Griffin, R.; Ashwin, C.; Billington, J.; Chakrabarti, B.: Empathizing and systemizing in autism spectrum conditions. Handbook of autism and pervasive developmental disorders (3rd ed.). Assessment, interventions, and policy 2005; 628–639
Adams, C.: Practitioner Review: The assessment of language pragmatics. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry & Allied Disciplines 2002; 43(8):973–987
Dawson, G.; Estes, A.; Munson, J.; Schellenberg, G. D.; Bernier, R.; Abbott, R.: Quantitative Assessment of Autism Symptom-related Traits in Probands and Parents: Broader Phenotype Autism Symptom Scale. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2007; 37(3):523–536
Peppé, S.; McCann, J.; Gibbon, F.; O’Hare, A.; Rutherford, M.: Receptive and Expressive Prosodic Ability in Children With High-Functioning Autism. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research 2007; 50(4):1015–1028
Olivares, J.; Ruiz, J.; Hidalgo, M. D.; García López, L. J.; Rosa, A. I.; Piqueras, J. A.: Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents (SAS-A): Psychometric properties in a Spanish-speaking population. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology 2005; 5(1):85–97
Baron-Cohen, S.; Wheelwright, S.; Robinson, J.; Woodbury-Smith, M. R.: The Adult Asperger Assessment (AAA): A Diagnostic Method. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2005; 35(6):807–819
Way, I.; Yelsma, P.; Van Meter, A. M.; Black-Pond, C.: Understanding alexithymia and language skills in children: Implications for assessment and intervention. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools 2007; 38(2):128–139

 Evaluación de intervención

Hernández, J. M.; Artigas Pallarés, J.; Martos Pérez, J.; Palacios Antón, S.; Fuentes Biggi, J.; Belinchón Carmona, M.; Canal Bedia, R.; Díez Cuervo, A.; Ferrari Arroyo, M. J.; Hervás Zúñiga, A.; Idiazábal Aletxa, M. A.; Mulas, F.; Muñoz Yunta, J. A.; Tamarit, J.; Valdizán, J. R.; Posada de la Paz, M.: Guía de buena práctica para la detección temprana de los trastornos del espectro autista. Revista de Neurología 2005; 41(4):237–245

 Evaluaciones bioquímicas

Goussé, V.; Plumet, M. H.; Chabane, N.; Mouren Siméoni, M. C.; Ferrandian, N.; Leboyer, M.: Fenotipos marginales en el autismo: una revisión de los estudios clínicos, bioquímicos y cognitivos. European Psychiatry Ed. Esp. 2002; 9:421–429

 Evaluaciones clínicas

Goussé, V.; Plumet, M. H.; Chabane, N.; Mouren Siméoni, M. C.; Ferrandian, N.; Leboyer, M.: Fenotipos marginales en el autismo: una revisión de los estudios clínicos, bioquímicos y cognitivos. European Psychiatry Ed. Esp. 2002; 9:421–429

 Evaluaciones cognitivas

Goussé, V.; Plumet, M. H.; Chabane, N.; Mouren Siméoni, M. C.; Ferrandian, N.; Leboyer, M.: Fenotipos marginales en el autismo: una revisión de los estudios clínicos, bioquímicos y cognitivos. European Psychiatry Ed. Esp. 2002; 9:421–429

 Evaluación neuropsicológica


Fuentes Biggi, J.; Ferrari Arroyo, M. J.; Boada Muñoz, L.; Touriño Aguilera, E.; Artigas Pallarés, J.; Belinchón Carmona, M.; Hervás Zúñiga, A.; Canal Bedia, R.; Hernández, J. M.; Díez Cuervo, A.; Idiazábal Aletxa, M. A.; Mulas, F.; Palacios, S.; Tamarit, J.; Martos Pérez, J.; Posada de la Paz, M.: Guía de buena práctica para el tratamiento de los trastornos del espectro autista. Revista de Neurología 2006; 43(7):425–438

 Exito profesional

Martín, R. P.; Márquez, P. G. O.; Brackett, M. A.: ¿Se perciben con inteligencia emocional los docentes? Posibles consecuencias sobre la calidad educativa. Revista de Educación 2006; 341:687–703


Mottron, L.; Dawson, M.; Soulieres, I.; Hubert, B.; Burack, J.: Enhanced perceptual functioning in autism: An update, and eight principles of autistic perception. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2006; 36(1):27–43
Martín, R. P.; Márquez, P. G. O.; Brackett, M. A.: ¿Se perciben con inteligencia emocional los docentes? Posibles consecuencias sobre la calidad educativa. Revista de Educación 2006; 341:687–703

 Experiencia interior

Hurlburt, R. T.; Happé, F.; Frith, U.: Sampling the form of inner experience in three adults with Asperger syndrome. Psychological Medicine 1994; 24(2):385–396
Adultos Experiencia interior

 Experiencia social

Carrington, S.; Papinczak, T.; Templeton, E.: A phenomenological study: The social world of five adolescents who have Asperger's syndrome. Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities 2008; 8(3):15–21
Experiencia social

 Expresividad emocional

Gross, J. J.; John, O. P.: Facets of emotional Expressivity: Three self-report factors and their correlates. Personality and Individual Differences 1995; 19(4):555–568
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Emociones Expresividad emocional Instrumentos
Way, I.; Yelsma, P.; Van Meter, A. M.; Black-Pond, C.: Understanding alexithymia and language skills in children: Implications for assessment and intervention. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools 2007; 38(2):128–139